Monday, December 3, 2012

Fancy sewing: Cactus top {part one}

My custom print from Spoonflower arrived the other day. It came a lot quicker than expected, which was a big bonus. The fabric ordered was the organic cotton voile and it is absolutely beautiful. The pattern came out a lot bigger than intended which was totally my fault. I was rushing and didn't read the fine print properly. For future references, unless specified, the default DPI for Spoonflower is 150, so if you were to design your pattern in Illustrator with a 300dpi resolution, your design will come out double the size as your original. 

In this instance however, I would definitely classify this as a happy accident, I love how bold the design end up being, and think it would be great to turn it into a little shift dress or pleated skirt if I have more fabric available.

Since I have only ordered a yard of it, a little top will have to do. This is also the first time I am trying out the BurdaStyle Print at Home patterns. It is a pretty neat concept, you buy the pattern, print the PDF at home and join the pieces of A4 together to create the dress pattern. I don't think it is a good idea for complicated patterns as it uses a lot of paper and can be a pain joining up the different pieces together. But for basic tops such as this one, it is quite convenient. This top consist of two layers, so I am thinking of getting a light blue or lemon cotton voile to go underneath, but will probably change my mind when I visit the fabric shop.

To be honest, I'm not totally sure whether this print will go with this top. What do you think? Do you think I have picked the right design? What would you do with this fabric?


  1. Wow! - the fabric looks great and I love the scale of the print - as you say, a happy accident. I do think it could work as a top, you would just need to watch the placement on the pattern pieces. I could also see this as a really cool skirt.

    1. Great advice! Will be extra careful with placement. I think I might look into getting this same pattern in sateen for either a skirt or a dress. Can't decide yet.

  2. I love how your fabric turned out! I noticed that they default to 150 DPI, totally tricky. I caught it before I ordered my fabric only because I noticed that my pattern got cut off. I can't wait to see what you make!

    1. Thanks! I love it too. Lucky I was happy with the way it turned out this time. But yeah quite tricky, but at least it is a good lesson learnt.

  3. I'm one of those people who just makes little easy things like scarves and jewelry pouches. I find that I create them as I sew. I am following you,


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